Discover The Difference

About NCCU

 The Nevis Co-operative Credit Union Limited (NCCU) is a locally owned and operated Co-operative Financial Institution (CFI) which provides a suite of financial products and services for its shareholders or members, while contributing to social development in the community. 

The NCCU was initially registered as the Civil Service Co-operative Credit Union (CSCCU) in 1965, and was re-registered as the Charlestown Co-operative Credit Union (CCCU) in 1966. The NCCU opened its bond to the entire island of Nevis in 1972 and was finally re-registered on 25th July of the same year. Since then, the NCCU has progressed in leaps and bounds and has been providing an exemplary service to its members and the wider community.

We operate on International Credit Union (ICU) Principles which include:

Democratic Structure
  • Open and Voluntary Membership
  • Democratic Control
  • Non-Discrimination
Service to Members
  • Savings and Loans – (Free Insurance Coverage)
  • Distribution to Members – (Dividends & Bonuses)
  • Building Financial Stability – (Capital & Reserves)
Social Goals
  • On-going Education and Training
  • Co-operation with other Co-operatives
  • Human and Social Development
  • Concern for Community

Who Qualifies For Membership

Individuals and organisations, that meet any one (1) of the following criteria:

  • Citizens or Nationals of St. Kitts and Nevis (resident in the Federation or Overseas)
  • Non-Nationals who live, work or own property in the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis
  • Co-operative Societies, Institutions, Corporations, Companies and Associations that are registered and operating in the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis

How We Operate

We encourage members to invest in shares and fixed deposits for their long term security and to save for short-term goals in one of our many deposit accounts. Pooled investments and savings are used primarily to provide loans to members/customers for provident (personal) and productive (business) purposes at competitive rates of interest, and on reasonable terms.

Our Vision Statement

To be the premier financial institution of members

Our Mission Statement

Delivering financial products and services that consistently exceed the expectations of members.

7 Cooperative Principles for Credit Unions

  1. Voluntary Membership – Credit unions are voluntary, cooperative organizations, offering services to people willing to accept the responsibilities and benefits of membership, without gender, social, racial, political, or religious discrimination.

    Many cooperatives, such as credit unions, operate as not-for-profit institutions with volunteer boards of directors. In the case of credit unions, members are drawn from defined fields of membership.

  2. Democratic Member Control – Cooperatives are democratic organizations owned and controlled by their members – one member, one vote – with equal opportunity for participation in setting policies and making decisions.
  3. Members’ Economic Participation – Members are the owners. As such, they contribute to and democratically control the capital of the cooperative. This benefits members in proportion to their transactions with the cooperative, rather than on the capital invested.

    For credit unions, which typically offer better rates, fees, and service than for-profit financial institutions, so members recognize benefits in proportion to their financial transactions and general usage.

  4. Autonomy and Independence – Cooperatives are autonomous, self-help organizations controlled by their members. If the cooperative enters into agreements with other organizations or raises capital from external sources, it does so based on terms that ensure democratic control by its members and maintains the cooperative autonomy.
  5. Education, Training and Information – Cooperatives provide education and training for members, elected representatives, managers and employees so they can contribute effectively to the development of the cooperative.

    Credit unions place particular importance on educational opportunities for their volunteer directors and financial education for their members and the public, especially the nation’s youth. Credit unions also recognize the importance of ensuring the general public and policy makers are informed about the nature, structure and benefits of cooperatives.

  6. Cooperation Among Cooperatives – Cooperatives serve their members most effectively and strengthen the cooperative movement by working together through local, state, national and international structures.
  7. Concern for Community – While focusing on member needs, cooperatives work for the sustainable development of communities, including people of modest means, through policies developed and accepted by the members.

Our Profile​

as at 31st December 2022


Name of OrganisationNevis Co-operative Credit Union Limited (NCCU)
Date of RegistrationJuly 25, 1972
Number of Account-Holders8515
Number of Shareholders6567
Number of Employees37
Total Assets$179,056,360
Total Loans (Net)$111,469,799
Total Deposits$145,952,894
Total Share Capital$8,972,543
Total Reserves$19,084,824
Shareholders’ Equity$28,057,367
RegulatorsFinancial Services Regulatory Department (FSRC)
Independent Financial AuditorsBDO Eastern Caribbean, Antigua and Barbuda
Independent AML/CFT AuditorsCLIFTONPARRY, Nevis

Caines Legal Chambers, Nevis

Oral Martin Law Chambers, Nevis

Merchant Legal Chambers, Nevis

Theodore L. Hobson and Associates, Nevis

BankersThe Bank of Nevis Limited
St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla National Bank Limited
BON Bank Ltd. formerly RBTT Bank (SKN) Limited
Card Services Provider & Host   Caribbean Credit Card Corporation (4Cs), St. Kitts and Nevis
Core Banking Solution ProviderFedComp Inc., Virginia, USA
Online Banking Solution ProviderBlossom, LLC (Formerly HomeCU, LLC), Idaho, USA